HELLO EVERYONE!! \(≧▽≦)/ during the last two days i've been finishing to prepare everything for the christmas events that have been running in PSOBB starting this weekend and then today in the morning was going to start the main xmas event in PSOBB where the GM's was going to enter to the game to deliver presents to all the players online! I woke up a little late like at 7 AM or so and the event started a 10 minutes ago then Fanatica (SAKURAKO) told me that while just entering to the lobby ... then I run to check ALL the lobby searching for the GM's but the one that I wanted that entered today that was オメガ as usual Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆ didn't entered this time...... instead entered Rein and that crazy another Racast GM that i don't know how to read his name orz www also he was the one that gave me my christmas present this year (*゜∇゜)ノ.

Most of the lobby were full of people and of open rooms for first time with everyone hoping that the GM entered to their rooms to give then the presents so I also decided start to deliver ALL the presents that I had prepared for most beginner players ! ~♪

So i like to call this my small event of XMAS in PSOBB! let me start to explain how it was in more detail.

Well let me start explain how was all the event. Since all the GM's were busy delivering the presents and also the lobby were more full than usual because of this was the ideal momment to deliver the presents but before of it i decided go meet the GM because i wanted my present !!>w< at the end the RACAST GM orz again I dont remember what was his name ( ーー人)ナムナム entered to the room that sakurako and me created and gave us two presents I told him that I've been a good girl this year and that I wanted a very very good present this time !!Σ(≧▽≦) but I think he didn't payed too much attention to that and gave me a "Harisen Fan" orz but well it's a funny weapon to do jokes or to slap monsters Σ(≧▽≦) and to sakurako he gave a PUYOPUYO mag cell (≧▽≦)b

After that he went to the lobby and we returned to our team lobby to start gather the presents that we had prepared i gave sakurako 20 presents and I keep 20 more then i told her to come with me to the beginner lobby that for our surprise was completely full Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆ .....

Then I told SAKURAKO that we was going to enter ramdom rooms and just leave a couple of presents then left the room quickly again and then repeat the same with all the other rooms of the list..

I started do that and many of the players inside were shocked when i just entered to their rooms to leave present boxes they was like "WHAT THE..!?" and many others just said "Thank you ^^" was very funny was like if a real santa came and impressed then with the presents Σ(゜ー゜)~♪

After 30 minutes or so entering in ramdom rooms and leaving presents I returned to the team lobby with sakurako and then she told me that she was going to deliver the presents that she had once the GM go offline !

I was very very happy with the results and the impression of the players I tought that nobody was going to like that i entered suddenly to their rooms to bother then with presents www but well i'm very happy that all finished being very ナイスナイス(≧▽≦)b

After all that I had to tell sakurako that i had to go out because i was very very hungry >< so i finished ordering a little after a pizza from Domino's wwww since there wanst any food in the house today @@;;

Well this is the small report of my xmas event in PSOBB Σ(≧▽≦) I hope you have enjoyed it and lets be ready for the real christmas eve tomorrow (*゜∇゜)ノ

Merry Christmas for you ^-^
Matane (*゜∇゜)ノシ


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