So great last 3 days!!!

Yay!! \(≧▽≦)/ sorry again for little delay in update the blog but this last 3 days i haven't been playing anything else but RFZ!! and is because i've been having very very great time with the members of my guild ふふ^-^ I finnaly noticed that they are very very kind and friendly people with me but they think that i'm crazy wwww (well that it's not new ! Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆) but we have been doing many many things in the game specially me playing with onono killing Accretias BOT's in Armory 117 almost everyday ! >w< or just killing random monsters while being bored or just triying to level up in the Volcano area Σ(≧▽≦)。。。

But also many spectacular wars have happened! like the one of the friday ! @@b the Accretias and cora allied together against the Bellatos and they were so many that even with both of our forces mixed was very very balanced battle ! Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ!!!I was very scared running around all the battlefield www while seeing a mass killing of everything and of everyone orz.... then screaming in the guild chat "FIGHT!!!! >w<!!! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!\(≧▽≦)/"

And last night after I came back from visit a very nice friend that came from another city I entered to check how was everything in RF and then one of the member that know english a little and is also very nice told me suddenly " Lumina we have GvG today at 20:00!!" and I was like " WHAT!!!!! Σ(≧▽≦)!!?!?" then they guided me to buy the ideal equipment and then wait until 20:00 (for japan!) because..... for me was at 7 AM ( ーー人)ナムナム.

After the long waiting and many AFK's the battle started automatically with some crazy guild that wanted to defeat us but at the end they finished being defeated by all of us! \(≧▽≦)/ but most of us got disconectted in the middle of the battle so many times but we managed to get the best score and also won 10000 GOLD for the guild! ナイスナイス!(≧▽≦)b even with that annoying Internet errors シクシクΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!

But something even weird happened just after the battle between the another guild and suddenly many "naked" people started to appear in the exit of the HQ we didn't knew what's going on at all ! I was just joking with some of the naked man that was there and kissing then and they were all happy and laughing and I was laughing so much too ! very very funny! (≧▽≦)b

Then that weird naked marathon started and LOTS of naked people started to do a complete lap around all the map of Cora HQ! @@b so I went with then too www

Well.... besides RFZ I also yesterday downloaded a very good game that I wanted to try since march! but I couln't because it was a game from TAIWAN it's called WONDERLAND Online it's a 2D game but it's very very cute ! and also have very cute graphics and music and everything and is a diferent style game from PSOBB or RFZ.... is more like a normal RPG something like "Tales of Phantasia"! for Super Nes ^-^ i've been triying it a little it's not too hard to play but i guess i have to check it more about it this is the japanese version and thats why still being a little very dificult for me to be able to learn how to use all the features of the game Σ(≧▽≦) and with so much RFZ I really doubt that i'm going to play it so often but it's a good game you should try it here I show you two screenshots of it (≧▽≦)b

This is how the main town look as you can see all that small houses are the houses of each player that are decorated to their like something like "MY ROOM" in PSU (≧▽≦)b

And this one is the battle screen ! you are transfered to this screen each time you touch a monster that's why I told you that look like very similar to Tales of Phantasia games from Namco ナイスナイス(≧▽≦)b

As you can see have been a little busy days Σ(≧▽≦) but well i'm just triying to enjoy the most posible while I still have my PC ><; and while i'm still here in Venezuela because after will not be the same once I move to Spain like i said before ><; (but I will try to be as usual and playing a lot once I live there (≧▽≦)b)

Well I guess I will go to sleep a little now ふふ^-^ it's 8:45AM and i haven't slept during all the night orz orz...

ヽ( ゚ 3゚)ノkiss for you!! chuuuuuu


  1. Anonymous said...
    My name is 嘉祥(Kasho). I'm a guild member in RFZ.
    GVG is very fun. Let's Play together again.
    See you~.
    Anonymous said...

    I checked your blog(⌒∇⌒)

    i surprised that you playing so many games!!!

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