Checking the progress of MAG....

Well again 1:52 am so "good morning" Σ(≧▽≦) I just wake up and started to check the progress of MAXIMUM ATTACK G event that since i'm so hooked playing RF online I haven't checked all the new prizes that everyone in PSU have been unlocking killing and killing monsters this is the main goal of this even "Kill most posible monsters in the MAG quest!" so the main counter will reach to up to 100 millions of monsters killed for the big prize! that is weird that they havent talked about the biggest prize as they do in the maximum attack events of PSOBB when they started @@;

Usually this kind of event have very good prizes like computers for everyone, DVD Recorders or even Plasma TV's Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆ and many prize items inside the game !.

Just checking it right now i notice that my friend Sounomi and their friends Ian and Garasu appeared in the memorial prize ranking for kill for reach the main counter to the 76.000.000 Monsters!!...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Sounomi, Ian & Garasu! ヽ( ゚ 3゚)ノchuuu

As for me well same as Usako.... we havent played on this event too much (_ _ フ I guess I will tell her to enter to play together a little just to check the new area that is the old RUINS or 遺跡 area of PSOBB in PSU(≧▽≦)b

Matane (*゜∇゜)ノシ


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