Σ(’▽’;) OH MY GOD...☆

Hello hello everyone orz i'm so sorry !for not update in so several days >< But i'm back again and I think blogger team fixed all the errors with the system @@;
I have so much to tell you but well let me start with the new design for the blog! I was thinking in make a new one since many days ago but because of the problems that I mentioned above I decided not make it until today as you can see now there is a very big banner in the top of the blog showing my characters from the main games that i'm playing now that is PSOBB, PSU and RF Online and after some fixes here and there specially with the small japanese slogan (thank you rabbit www) it's ready! I really hope that you like it now the blog seen much more unique ! Σ(゜ー゜)ナイスナイス!!!。。。

Another thing is that well besides i'm playing lots online games now. I'm focusing in play lots of RF Online! because for first time I have my guild in the game is not mine but of a very nice friend called Brink (ブリンク) that I meet just starting the game in march but never seen him again until some days ago so I asked him to join in his guild and he accepted me and was very happy ! I've been also meeting one by one the members of the guild too that are very nice people but some of then are very shy to talk in english with me because is not common for then is not like in PSOBB or PSU that is easier to find english speaking japanese players because here well is like another world or so Σ(≧▽≦) I will not go too much into details about level because i achieved so many small level caps called PT and find many special item that are helping me a lot to level up also with the advices of my new guild that is called "Ghost in the Shell" just like my favorite Anime series ! いえいい!\(≧▽≦)/

So let's see here some pictures of my achivements during this week in RF Online Z!

This first one you can see in the small window of the left in top that my range PT is now 44/55! this will allow me use ranger armor that I like a lot (ノ ̄∇ ̄)ノ~~LOVE and also attack faster and run faster Σ(゜ー゜)

Now here is when I was invited to the Ghost in the Shell guild ^-^

And I was able to still have some money left to buy this shinny Intense Lance that have helped me so much to find money to continue leveling up orz www....

Well with this I finish this small brief resume of all what happened during the week Σ(≧▽≦)
Since tomorrow all back to normal again ^-^
ヽ( ゚ 3゚)ノchuuuuu matane(*゜∇゜)ノシ


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