Critical error!

AWAWAWAWA I didn't noticed that my blog design looked so ugly in Internet Explorer 6 after I had to uninstall the IE7 due that was imposible browse websites with it because it crashed everytime that I closed some small window of the navigator... then appeared a critical error and closed ALL the instances of the navigator so orz usako told me "cat you should uninstall that browser (_ _ フ" then for my surprise appeared this horrible bug orz ww

It's only with the IE6 but I know that most of you used it so i'm so sorry I must apologize very much i'ts fixed now シクシクΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!

But I had to think very much about how to fix this it so I decided change the image format to JPEG!! but then many of you know already that JPEG doesn't allow to use Transparency and that was used for the cute effect that had the header Σ(≧▽≦) so I used a very very cheap fix wwww grab a little fragment of the background using the PRINT SCREEN key and then copy and paste as background of the document in the Photoshop Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ! then just extend it all over the document since was color information it will not get blurry or distorted ^-^

This can help you very much if you have someday some problem like this with some image or website layout so you can avoid this little and horrible accident www

This is a picture of the IE6 without the header fixed ORZ so ugly.....

And this is after change it's format to JPEG it look just like the original one (≧▽≦)b

And this is the super complex way to fix this Σ(≧▽≦)。。。




Save and upload and nya nya ♪ header ready and nothing happened Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆

Yesterday also I couln't update the blog because me and my grandparents had to go to a family meeting to continue celebrating the Christmas here since the xmas eve day that was the 24th we just stayed here in the house and alone but we had a great time but I was a little worried since I feel that my grandparents wished to be with more people this xmas also they were a little sad because my mother is in Spain now so she wans't there to celebrate with us Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ! but then I decided make the night a little more happier and I got super drunk but I was joking and laughing a lot and they at the end started to feel much more happy and better so I was very happy too ^-^

However since this xmas there is not too much money due to the move to Spain well my uncles and aunts gave me little money and to my surprise I finished getting like 500.000 Bs. (Bolivares it the money of my country is around 190US$) so since this money I cannot use it in Spain I bought a very very cute and small MP3 player from SONY today (*゜∇゜)ノ to reemplaze my old NETMD player that got broken シクシクΣ(・ω・ノ)ノ!

I bought this model of this color:
I like it because it's small and it can hold up to 2 GB of music and last about 12 hours! it will help me very much during my trip to Spain since the flight will have a duration of 9 to 10 hours @@;
Well it's all again sorry so much for the error with the header to the IE6 visitors ><; and Merry Xmas ふふ^-^ a little late orz....


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