Funny funny night (≧▽≦)。。。

Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆ it's 5 pm and i cannot beleive that i'm waking up at this hour since last night www and was because i spend most of it talking with usako and sounomi in PSU, i had WEEKS and i think that almost months without enter to PSU to play so i wanted to check what's going on there and how was everyone and as usual..... nobody online or everyone busy beside then so we decided go to talk a little to usako's room and well i cannot describe it too much because most of the time i was laughing a lot and even more when sounomi joined us wwwwww...

Insolent Rabbit ! Σ(≧▽≦) i was telling usako that during all my stay in her room and doing other varius bad jokes using the throne that is in her room but i was laughing so much wwww because she had a birds that repeated all that too so you can imagine was great (゜ー゜☆キラッ after that we decided go kill some stuff at new HIVE area that i din't knew that existed yet and was very tough !!! fight against stronger monster because also was B rank but look like A rank more for me Σ(’▽’;) ぁゎゎ☆


Then after that annoying room came this BOSS that was some kind of supercomputer but very annoying to kill OTL launched a missiles and beam attacks and that kind of things sounomi had to heal us and specially me like 1000 time that i was about to die and stunned and almost dead nyahahaha~

BUT AIYA!!!!!!!!!!!! we killed it at last like 10 minutes fighting but was very funny boss i liked it a lot then after we appeared in the beach and is when i notice that is 5 AM Σ(≧▽≦) and while talking finished being like 7 AM that was when i went to sleep @@b

See you soon !Σ(゜ー゜)


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